Thursday, January 14, 2010

Terrorist If Nelson Mandela Is A Convicted Terrorist, Why Does He Get So Much Praise These Days?

If Nelson Mandela is a convicted terrorist, why does he get so much praise these days? - terrorist

Nelson Mandela is a convicted terrorist who launched several attacks and atrocities in combination. His wife had the people, by tire around his neck filled with petrol killed, and put it into the fire.

Nelson Mandela is a convicted terrorist. Terrorists 9 / 11. Why (reason), which receives condemn 9 / 11 terrorists, but Nelson Mandela (a terrorist), a free pass?


Anonymous said...

Now I am not at all racist, and are the opposite of a racist, so do not call me, but I agree that Nelson Mandela was a terrorist. He leads the ANC noted that crimes such as bombing Church Street ...
CNC and concluded that "the Commission noted," the officers to suspect that systematic torture and other forms of severe ill-treatment, and there were cases in which these persons have been charged with and without attention of the Courts Rules, which sentenced to death See offer convicted and executed. . Has admitted that Nelson Mandela ... These are just some things that his group, which he founded and led what he was doing.
Well, I do not know how somethings in America, but I do not bomb or kill somebody over it. I had some good intentions, but it was a very, very bad for them.

Anonymous said...

Mandela is the most important black leader in South Africa and became a powerful symbol of resistance, the anti-apartheid movement gathered strength. He has always refused to his political position to gain his freedom compromise. He was subsequently released from his sentence and became president. And after he won the Nobel Prize for Peace. It is not a terrorist regime was in power and the unjust imprisonment is considered a terrorist for his own people.

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