Saturday, January 9, 2010

Weenie Babies Beanie Babies Want To Know How To Sell Them?

Beanie Babies want to know how to sell them? - weenie babies

I've heard that you can sell Beanie Babies on eBay. My ex-girlfriend bought a set of 95, 96, 97 I called parents 3 times and told them to get them. I have in 5 years. And they have not told her parents after 2 years. I wanted to donate to a hospital. But I lost my job a month ago and could use the money. There are 150 differ 120 of them. There are also Teenie Weenie Beanie Babies by Donolds Mc. 2 sets of the first time I went, and 1.5 games for the 2nd Times when you are. So we are talking over 200 Beanie Baby toys.

How do you think I could get for them?


wana bigger bike said...

Beanie Babies selling very well and honestly not much money.

Amanda said...

Put it on Craig's List. Make sure you get your money. lol.

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