Thursday, February 18, 2010

The Plague More Condition_symptoms Why Are More People Not Worrisome Of The Plague That Is Islam?

Why are more people not worrisome of the plague that is Islam? - the plague more condition_symptoms

Islam wants absolution, humanity, than the heavy hand of man. The Koran teaches that unbelievers who will not submit to sleep. Non-Muslims are enemies of Islam. How many are aware of, treason?


BB said...

Why in the politically correct propaganda that Islam is a peaceful religion, in reality, buying only a few are radical. If you look on the Koran says that God death.The as the seducer and the attitude of a man of Islam brings the use of force against non-Muslims is known, is clear. For Gentiles says, the Koran: "Slay the idolaters wherever you find them. The arrest, siege and are everywhere in ambush for them. If they repent and take to prayer and the rate of alms, they go their way. God is forgiveness and merciful "(Sura 9:5). The result is a convert pagans to give to the life or death choice.

As the violence against Jews and Christians, says the Quran: "Fight those who were given the Book of Neith believeHE God nor the Last Day, I do not forbid what God and His Apostle have forbidden, and do not hold the true faith, until they pay tribute by hand and are completely subject "(Qur'an, 9:29). In other words, using violence against Jews and Christians, if they are willing to pay a special tax and live in submission to the Muslims as second class citizens. For them the only way to convert, die or live in a template.

The Koran also has harsh words for the Muslims who are slow and reluctant to attack the infidels: "O ye who believe, why is this so when you say:" March in the cause of God, who is also on Earth slow? Are you satisfied with this life, not the afterlife? ... Please go to war, he [God] will punish you sternly, and wbad, replace it with other men "(Sura 9:38-39).
Political correctness is like fascism and as a mortal threat to Islam.

Markus said...

"Islam wants acquittal for humanity or the iron fist of mankind."

The Koran teaches that only those Muslims to stop fighting and killing, so special if they want peace.

They know each other here. Stop watching American news or read the BBC or some nonsense Zionist blog, select your data.

Micky GG said...

When lies are justified
The philosopher Ibn Taymiyya (1263-1328) wrote a book titled "The Sword in the neck of the Prosecutor of Muhammad." Should live, which describes how Muslims in the wake phase:
"O ye who believe, if not a phase of slowdown in a Muslim country should forgive and be patient with people of the Book [Jews and Christians], if they insult to Allah and His Prophet, by all means. Believers are people of the Book to protect their lives and religion "
In other words, it's okay to lie to protect non-Muslims themselves, if they a minority in their country.

It is an Islamic proverb that says: "If you do not cut the hand of his enemies, to kiss." This is evident in the life of the Prophet Mohammed and his teachings in Mecca and AFTER. The Lamb "after migrating from Mecca to Medina, he became a roaring lion, which threatens the entire Arabian desert.
In Western Muslims are a minority in what are very present themselves as people who maintain the love and forgiveness. It takes all the other conflict between the image he wants to present and what we really believe.

Check with Christians and Jews as brothers. Presenting Islam in these countries as the answer to all problems of mankind. These Western Muslims put their religion as if it's grace, freedom, justice and reconciliation. To demonstrate how not to touch Islam is a religion that do not show, that race or culture.
Lying on the peace agreement
Muslim groups are with the peace talks or a peace agreements saving time so that they can make new plans to prepare and position themselves for victory. Say, a Muslim military leader of the other side, what you will hear in order to save time, but when it comes to providing time to what has been agreed, you will see a different story.

Our modern history has many of these peace accords, which led to t seen nothing happened. An example of this is that all the agreements that began between Muslim groups in the
South Lebanon, Hezbollah and Amal organizations. Another good example is the nine years of peace negotiations between Iraq and Iran, which has led to a cruel war.
In Egypt during fighting between the government and the Islamic Group (Al-Jama'a al-Islamiya).

The leaders of the Islamic Group has announced that ththey had suspended hostilities and were willing to
meet at the negotiating table. It was not buy anything more than time to regroup and go after the government even more than before. The Islamic group uses lies and deception on the basis of their understanding of the Koran and the teachings of the life of the Prophet Muhammad, and history.
Many people can not agree, but these facts are quite clear under Islamic law, Muhammad used the lie that its actions are part of the basis of Islamic law.

As lead in the days of Mohammed, the Islamic fundamentalist supporters of today to ensure that the conquest of the world. The best way is to say, leaving one of the leading companies that, in his words.
One of the clearest thinkers and poets of the modern jihad is Mawlana Abul Ala Mawduli, the founder of the fundamentalist movement in Pakistan.He has written numerous books and Islam is one of the most famous scientists. The entire Islamic world as a leader who remembers the story. These are his words:
"Islam is not a normal religion like other religions in the world and Muslim nations are not like normal nations. The Muslim nations are very special because they have a command of God to reign in the world and have all over the world."

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